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Our special holiday season offering is win-win-win! I have personally been deeply affected by breast cancer and love to help out in this area however possible. Much more than riding
the "all-things-Pink-train" I'm thrilled to offer a great coffee from Colombia and introduce people to a great organization, Pink Lemonade.
Badbeard's is happy to announce a new partnership with Pink Lemonade Project, a Vancouver, WA community nonprofit dedicated to serving those affected by breast cancer
across the Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA metro area. For each pound of BoobieBru sold, we will donate $5 toward Pink Lemonade Project programs and services. Breast cancer
affects 1 out of 8 women across the US. And, the pandemic has only made things worse. In the spring of 2020, there were dramatic declines in basic screening mammograms
across the US, as women were afraid to keep scheduled appointments for these routine tests. This is resulting in diagnoses discovered at a later stage and potentially
worse outcomes. It doesn't need to be that way. We know that early detection is better, and many types of breast cancer are considered curable today.
Pink Lemonade Project was founded in 2010 with the mission to education, empower and support those affected by breast cancer. It aims to create a community for those going through
their cancer experience, and help provide the emotional and psychological support needed after diagnosis, and where the healthcare system leaves off after treatment.
Check out their full program and event schedule at pinklemonadeproject.org or facebook.com/pinklemonadeproject.org or on Instagram @pinklemonadeproject
Finca El Danubio is owned by Mr. Jose Ortiz, which he acquired in 1993. This farm is at 1,650 MASL, has 20,000 coffee trees planted and is located in the Vereda Corinto
in Acevedo Municipality, in Huila Departament. Don Jose grows the special Tabi and Pink Bourbon and other varietals using de facto organic methods. After harvesting the hand-picked
coffee cherry, he pulps and sorts them to remove floaters and induces a 36-hour fermentation in stainless tanks. The beans are sun-dried until reaching moisture levels around 11%
and stored in their parchment prior to final milling and packaging. We received this coffee directly from Traviesa's warehouse in Manizales and it was air-freighted to my door in
4 days...a rather remarkable feat of logistics! We love this creamy-textured, floral and sweet bit of magic in pourover especially.