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Tonys Special Dark Roasts
Bali | Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica | DR Congo | El Salvador | Ethiopia | Guatemala | Honduras | Java | Kenya | Mexico | Nicaragua | Papua New Guinea | Rwanda | Sulawesi | Sumatra | Uganda |
NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

Peru Organic Chasqui

Country of Origin: Peru
Peru Organic Chasqui
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Peru “Chasqui” (messengers of the Inca empire way back when!) is one of our “community coffees”: pooled microlots from different producers and regions with a country of origin. This certified organic washed gem comprises 68 local producers from three regions and micro-climates; San Martin, Cajamarca and Junin. Grown and harvested at elevations averaging 1800 meters. Peru is one of the up and coming lands for coffee, with topography favorable to indigenous and hybrid species of Arabica and increasingly progressive infrastructure. Coffees tend to be light-to-medium bodied and bright with prominent fruit notes. The varietals represented here are Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catimor, Catuai and Castillo.
This iteration of Chasqui , which we are roasting more to the medium profile, is more like a rich power bar, evincing nougat, chocolate and raisiny sweetness. Including this coffee in the darker roast option as well, as it is very chocolaty approaching second crack n the roaster. We like it as both a pourover and single origin espresso.
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Big Changes Afoot in 2025
Yes, still 2024 and udpates ...more
triple ristretto shot of Deep Cello Espresso blend
triple ristretto shot of Deep Cello Espresso blend
"Dude!!! Got the coffee! Thank you, thank you!!! Smells AMAZING! Can't wait to try it tomorrow (says to wait until 19th). Will report back. Opening the mailbox and having that smell come wafting toward me was awesome. My dog helps me open packages (I know, I'm indulgent. Bite me.) and he wouldn't stop sniffing it. What can I say, the pup's got good taste! "
Chris B., NYC
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