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NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

Papua New Guinea Par Avion

Country of Origin: Papua-New-Guinea
Papua New Guinea Par Avion
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Papua New Guinea, remote outpost of legends, intrigues us in its history and coffee. This is our first coffee from the very remote, relatively inaccessible Simbai region, a jungly, mountainous area bordering the Western Highlands and Sepik Provinces. Coffee is a vital export to the nearly 4000 smallholder farmer who contribute to what we're calling “Par Avion”. Simply stated, these farmers must bring their parchment coffee to a far-away airstrip, where it is weighed, recorded and stored in sheds until a sufficient amount will be jetted away in a cargo plane to Mt. Hagen for final processing and shipment around the world.
Washed process/sun drying still predominates in PNG, unlike a lot of Indonesian region coffee. Typica varietals predominate and farm elevations range from 1600-1900 meters. While we like the light-medium roast as single origin espresso, drip methops show it off more…creamy body, spiky sweet notes of melon, dried apricot, caramel and macha.
Out of Stock

Yes, still 2024 and udpates ...more
Kenyas will be back pronto!
looking for waldos
Badbeard checks for Waldos.
"Just had my first cup of the Terruño Nayarita Natural you were kind enough to send me, for which, thanks. What lovely stuff! Nicely rounded body with a smooth top, and a bottom that lays gently on the tongue. The overall balance is beautiful. The flavor of this stuff is, I think, too delicate to go into a blend without losing its essential character, and should, in my opinion, be offered only as a straight single origin. In short, it was well worth [the] wait."
AC, Lakewood, NJ
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