by badbeard
2. November 2012 14:28
Excited to have three Ethiopian newbies/"oldbies": Yirgacheffe "Blue Nile", a hand-selected offering from the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU), more fabulous Nigusie Lemma group natural process Limu (sweet and floral as can be) and natural process Sidamo Royal Select water process decaf. One the non-Ethiopian front we will be debuting big/fat/honey-sweet Pacamara varietal from El Salvador's Santa Leticia Estate. We haven't had coffee from the Valdivieso family farm in several years, but it was always top-notch (and then only had their 100% borbon, a smaller bean). The Pacamara is a hybrid of Pacas and Maragogype, the latter being one of the largest-sized beans in the coffee world.
by badbeard
9. February 2011 21:55
The three new offerings; organic and Fair TradeĀ® Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (YCFCU), Papua New Guinea Onaka Agoga and Brazil WP decaf are outstanding examples of terroir. All cup beautifully, and the PNG Onaka is a rare treat which my importer sold out of completely in just a few days. It has gotten increasingly difficult in today's crazed, frenzied-buying green coffee market (prices have been through the roof!) to procure even small amounts of great coffee, but this is Badbeard's mission.