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Bali | Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica | DR Congo | El Salvador | Ethiopia | Guatemala | Honduras | Java | Kenya | Mexico | Nicaragua | Papua New Guinea | Rwanda | Sulawesi | Sumatra | Uganda |
NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

Guatemala Antigua Pastoral

Country of Origin: Guatemala
Guatemala Antigua Pastoral
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***NEW CROP ARRIVAL May 8, 2009***A classic full-bodied, chocolatey offering which delights all the senses. From the FEDECOCAGUA cooperative. FEDECOCAGUA was established in 1969 by 19 member coops with the goal of improving the standard of living of small farmers. Today, the coop boasts 20,000 members. Seventy percent of coop producers are members of indigenous groups from various regions of Guatemala, including Huehuetenango, Cobán, Verapaces, Retalhuleu, San Marcos, and Zacapa. FEDECOCAGUA serves as the collective voice of small farmers in Guatemala.

Fair Trade certified by Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) since 1993, FEDECOCAGUA endeavors to improve the living conditions of its members by improving their coffee quality and providing access to the international market.

This organically produced, full-bodied Antigua Pastoral coffee variety boasts intense chocolate cocoa notes with a smooth body and sweet finish.
Out of Stock

Kenyas will be back pronto!
DR Congo washed is back
Happy Holidays!!!! Peace love and joy, and a nice cuppa joe ...more
The infamous coffee-bean cleaning-machine Jacu bird from the Amazon
If your coffee tastes like s--t, don't blame the Jacu bird! This infamous Amazon bean-machine beak-selects each coffee berry at the peak of ripeness and leaves just the beans, somewhat clean and green, to speak.
"YO..Minneapolis has the funk music but we wouldn't get as funky without badbeards coffee! I've had coffee in many parts of the world and none have matched up to the quality and consistency that badbeard delivers. This gentlemen is the true artist in the coffee industry. Dont miss out order yourself some now. Thanks bro! DP"
D.Pierzina, Minnesota, USA
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